Pure Ramie Accordion Denim with linear graphic design in Blues now at Minerva's Bower
Draped Pure Ramie Accordion Denim with linear graphic design in Blues now at Minerva's Bower
Pure Ramie Accordion Denim with linear graphic design in Blues now at Minerva's Bower
Scale of Pure Ramie Accordion Denim with linear graphic design in Blues now at Minerva's Bower
Close up of scale Pure Ramie Accordion Denim with linear graphic design in Blues now at Minerva's Bower

Ramie, Accordion - Denim- 110 cm remnant piece

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Beautifully soft and drapey 100% Ramie with graphic linear design and a horizontal pattern. Colour graduates from white though to navy blue. Colour is best shown in draped images.

Ramie is a natural fibre made from the nettle plant and often compared to linen as it is naturally resistant to pests and diseases. It is one of the strongest natural fibres comparable to cotton and silk.

140cm X 110cm remnant piece


 Perfect for voluminous tops and lined dresses and skirts…